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Mimi Faust Sex Tape with Nikko Smith Viral MMS Video


Mimi Faust Sex Tape with Nikko Smith

Rated one of the filthiest celebrity videos out there, the Mimi Faust sex tape is back on the market again. This time the FULL version is available. That's right, more nasty scenes of Mimi getting ravaged by her ex lover Nikko Smith. Be aware, these new scenes are graphic as fuck!


mimi faust sex tape leaked with Nikko Smith in the shower
Nikko Smith pumping juices into Mimi's pussy in the shower!

If you didn't know, Mimi Faust is Love and Hip Hop Atlanta's biggest star. The show is a reality series about her daily life as a business woman, hanging out with elite females in the city and her promiscuous dating life. She keeps the viewers on their toes with her “swinger” ways; known to get down with the opposite sex as well.

At first, the dirty flick was said to be “leaked”. Now reports indicate it was all part of a scheme to give Mimi's VH1 series better ratings. This sounds suspiciously similar to Kim Kardashian's story with Ray J and Farrah Abraham's leaked scandal, too. These ladies' tapes were even obtained by the same adult company, Vivid Entertainment. Haters will say these are preposterous scams, but you can't deny the genius marketing idea. This method helped these women rise to the top of the entertainment industry.

Either way, whether it was a set up or not, the footage is authentic. Isn't that what matters anyway?! This is undoubtedly the REAL Mimi putting on a smutty performance. That's why she is considered one of the most sexually enthusiastic women in celebrity porn. All in all, this sexy MILF knows how to take a DEEP pounding. See for yourself below!

Mimi Faust sex tape with Nikko


Mimi & Nikko Full Length Sex Tape

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